About Me

Since 2004, Russ Judge has reenacted for the American Civil War, normally portraying a soldier for the Confederacy.  Where the Independent Guard Battalion is present for events, he holds the rank of major on the battalion staff, but otherwise he is a private with the 1st Tennessee Company B, based in Columbus, Ohio.   Occasionally he will galvanize as a Federal where the situation calls for it.

Mr. Judge is also a dance master who calls period dances, preferring to call for barn dances, which are much less formal than the balls.  Mr. Judge is available for calling your dance and can assist with finding musicians--simply send him a message on by filling out the form below.

Please note that all entries on this blog are the opinions and responsibility of myself alone.  They in no way are representative of the 1st Tennessee Company B or the Independent Guard Battalion.

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Most useful item ever purchased for reenacting